Iris Apfel, 90, is still fashion icon at the moment. She is an American businesswoman,born in New York, 1921, former interior designer. She studied art history at New York University and attended art school at the University of Wisconsin. As a young woman Barrel worked for Women’s Wear Daily and for interior designer Elinor Johnson. She also was an assistant to illustrator Robert Goodman.
In 1948 she married Carl Apfel. Two years later they launched the textile firm Old World Weavers and ran it until they retired in 1992. During this time, Iris Apfel took part in many design restoration projects, including work at the White House for nine presidents: Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Kennedy, Johnson, Carter, Reagan, and Clinton.
Iris Apfel still consults, and also lectures about style and other fashion topics.
“Iris Apfel lives as colorfully as she dresses—as shown in our look at her three-bedroom Manhattan apartment, a Park Avenue “(Architectural Digest).
Ирис Apfel, 90 лeт , до сих пор является иконой моды. Она Американская бизнесвумен родившийся в Нью-Йоркe, 1921 г., бывшая дизайнер интерьеров. Она изучала историю искусств в Нью-Йоркском университете (NYU) и посещал художественную школу при университете штата Висконсин. Как тмолодая женщина работалa для Women’s Wear Daily и для дизайнера интерьеров Элинор Джонсон. Она также была помощником иллюстратора Роберт Гудман. В 1948 году она вышла замуж за Карла Apfel. Два года спустя они создали текстильную фирму Old World Weavers. За это время, Iris Apfel принимала участие во многих дизайн проектах, в том числе работы в Белом доме в течение девяти президентов: Трумэн, Эйзенхауэр, Никсон, Кеннеди, Джонсон, Картер, Рейган и Клинтон.
Ирис Apfel еще консультирует по всем вопросам o стилe и модe.
"Ирис Apfel живёт ярко, ярко она одевается, такая жe ее трёхкомнатнaя квартирa b Манхэттене, Парк-авеню" (Architectural Digest).
“I don’t do minimal,” Apfel says of her design approach. |
imagine via architectural digest,,,
Fashion is not only for young people.
Older generation likes looking stylish, too.
Thanks for your comment on my blog!
ReplyDeleteI didn't know het yet, but she got's an awesome style. And amazing that when she's so old, she still is active in fashion!
Nice post, xx
Nope, she most certainly does not look like a minimalist! She looks like a cool lady!
OMG she is so cute and stylish! You have a very inspirational blog! I am following you! Follow me back if you also like my blog!
She just seems like such a kick ass grandma! I hope I am half as cool....I still have like 30 years HAHA!
ReplyDeleteI really agree. This womans is passion and inspiration. Absolutely intelligent woman, and the most important... your style is universal and always fabulous.
ReplyDeleteUn saludo,
She is such an inpiration! I want to be her when I grow up (and live in her amazing apartment!)
ReplyDeleteGreat post, great blog!
Wow she seems like the most awesome old lady I've ever seen!
ReplyDeletexo Jennifer
thank You! ;]
ReplyDeleteColors, colors, colors are good for you.She looks awesome!Love your blog.
ReplyDeletelove this woman and her style.......thanks for the love on my blog and I am officially following you as well........xx
thanks for dropping by..
ReplyDeleteHappy new year.
I would love to inherit her
I followed back
This woman does not cease to amaze me. At 90, she is still going strong. I often see her on Tv or inside fashion magazines. I love her. Following.
ReplyDeleteHi!! thanks for your comment!!! great post!! I follow you!! XX
She is one of the best that is out there. Always amazing, always with a smile.
ReplyDeletethanks for your comment !of course weach can follow each other!she is soo cute love this post:)
ReplyDeleteShe is such an inspiration. Very very beautiful blog.Thank you so much. I wish I can have half the energy once I reach her age.
Hi dear, beautiful blog you have here, I follow you back. Happy New Year. Thank you! xx Joice
ReplyDeleteIris is one of the most stylish women on earth! So many inspiring outfits (though there was a small "scandal" involving her some time ago about a brooch...)! Lovely blog! Of course I'll follow you!
Out Of The Box
Omg, she is so cool! And I want her house. Love the styling of it.
ReplyDeleteHow fun is she...and love that she has such style in her home and her clothing...great post!! Thrilled to find and follow your blog ~
ReplyDeleteWhat a style and house, very unique woman :)
ReplyDeleteSure, let's follow each other, I follow you now :*
Thanks for your comment!
ReplyDeleteThe first picture shows the real color of the cardigan. It's black with cream. The other two pictures are, indeed, black and white pictures (:
I love Iris! I'd kill to spend a day with her and gvet to see her house and, her wardrobe!! :D
She looks gorgeous. I love her style
ReplyDeleteI just started following you
I like your blogue!!
ReplyDeleteIris Apfel is muse without doubt!!
I absolutely adore this post - look at what a chameleon this wonderful woman is. I have seen her in photos before, but never knew who she was or her background - thank you!
thanks for your comment!!
She truly is amazing! I like how aged 90, she defies the stereotype of youth that surrounds the fashion world <3
Amazing !! :)
ReplyDeleteHey!! Yeah, i def follow u back!!
ReplyDeleteIt's true, shoes does NOT minimal, i looove so much the pics of livings rooms, with all the books, paintings, cushions. . . so so nice!!
Kiss xoxo
Wow, loved this post! I followed you.
Oh woooow! She´s so fantastic!!! Really nice pics! Thanks for sharing :)
ReplyDeleteI want to thank you for your lovely comment :) and following me!!! Thank you thank you!!!
stunning!! love the furniture!! <3
Обожаю исскуство этой женщины! Искусство одеваться!
ReplyDeleteHello there sweetie! Thanks for the lovely comment, it means a lot to me!
ReplyDeleteThat was the theme of it! I adore this post, she is awesome and great! I love her 2!
Hope to hear again from you!
Hope you're having a great day!
My cooking blog, support me:
xoxo Kiki
She's an amazing woman! Beautiful post.
I can´t love more this gorgeous woman! I wrote about her too! I leave you the link if you want to take a look!!
xoxo & Happy New Year!
She´s so lovely! Love her sense of style and how easy she makes everything look! Fabulous style icon! xx
ReplyDeleteAn amazing woman!!!!
ReplyDeleteI love her style!! great post!
Have a nice day!
Besos, desde España, Marcela♥
Neat post & Thank you so much for following (PS following you back in return )
My Lyfe ; My Story
She is so so funny!! Of course we can follow each other, I'm following you right now! xoxo
ReplyDeleteклассный пост))))
ReplyDeleteу неё очки прикольные)
love love Iris!!!!!beautiful post!!!!
ReplyDeleteLove this post!!Very inspiring!!I am your follower,hope you follow me back!!
ReplyDeleteAndy xx
you have a great blog and this post is amazing!i follow on gfc if you want follow me back!
ReplyDeleteWonderful post! How very inspiring and wise to remember. Thanks so much for stopping by, Aurelia!
I wish she was my Grandma! She is gorgeous and so stylish!
ReplyDeleteLuc X
god I love her!
ReplyDeleteshe's what I'd like to be when I grow up.. with white hair and all.. I don't intend to dye my hair once it starts getting white.. I'm rooting for white! maybe some highlights in color but that's something I've always had on my hair, I just change the color haha.. awesome post!
your blog is very interesting ...especially this kind of post ;-) thanks for your comment and for following.
ReplyDeletefollow u back
love, Ros.e.
She is such an icon! And I'm so glad that MAC recently launched a line in her name. It's colorful just like her!
ReplyDeleteJayme @ Her Late Night Cravings
What a cool lady.
ReplyDeleteBut I must admit her glasses are none of my taste.
But a funky lady I must say.
ps. thanks for comment on my blog :D
She's such an inspiration to me:) She's just so fearless. Great post. I found it through Pinterest.
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